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Welcome to

Northvale Baptist Church

Bible Fed;

Spirit Led

Each believer has a need for spiritual nourishment, to be Bible fed. Thus, we see an urgency to preach and teach the true, unfiltered, non-watered down Word of God. The Christ life that we are called to live is not a natural life: the love for our enemies, patience, humility, gentleness: all of these qualities are not natural to us; so they are supernatural. We can attempt to fake our way through the Christ-like life, or we  can allow the Holy Spirit to live in us. We are a church that strives to walk by the Spirit, in the Spirit, yielding to the fruit of the Spirit. 


Weekly Schedule 

Church Wide:

Sundays - 

  • Sunday School @ 10am 

    • Classes available for all ages. 

Wednesdays -

  • Midweek Fellowship @ 6:30pm

Northvale Youth:

Sundays -

  • Evangelism Training @ 10am

  • Small Group Bible Study @ 6pm

Wednesdays  -

  • Midweek Discipleship @ 6:30pm

Kids Rock:

Sundays -

  • Sunday School @ 10am

  • Children's Church @ 11:30am

Wednesdays -

  • Midweek Fellowship @ 6:30pm


Monthly Food Drive

Northvale Youth is very excited to be starting a new ministry inside Northvale! We are going to be collecting non-perishable food items and personal care items throughout the course of the year and will be delivering them to our ministry partners at the end of each month. 


We are very blessed to have para-church ministries that we are able to partner with in this ministry. Each month we will be taking baskets of food to one of the following: Northark BCM, Tetelisti House, Arkansas Baptist Ranch, and House of Hope. 


The items that you donate will have a direct impact in our community for the kingdom of God. We ask that you would cover this ministry in prayer throughout the year, as well as donate items. 

Donations can be placed in the crate under the youth room bulletin board, or in the crate in the foyer. If you have any questions, please ask Josh or Brittany!



"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 

2 Corinthians 9:7

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Northvale Baptist Church


310 North Adams St, 

Harrison, AR 72601



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